
Business consulting

In-depth analysis of subjects of national and international interest, with innovative approaches and various quantitative and modeling techniques, identifying learned lessons for policy promotion, public management improvements, and public-private partnerships.

Some experiences:

2021 - today
Center for Latin America Atlas Network, Project promoter, designer and coordinator for raising awareness of institutional arrangements for promoting Latin American societies’ development, including: defining methodology, teams organization, coordination, follow-up, gathering and analysis of results for reporting and presentations. Index of Bureaucracy Index for Latin America coord.
2015 - today
Property Rights Alliance. International Property Rights Index calculation, analysis and report. Yearly editions 2015-2022
2016 - 2019
Latin American and the Caribbean Economic System. Report on migration for SELA countries 1995-2017, intra and out of the region, using network theory. Database organization for multidimensional indices on development for SELA countries. Reports on Property Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean, their impact in productive transformation and effects of cooperation initiatives. Regional, by country and by integration agreement analysis. Desarrollo de Base de Datos de Índices Multidimensionales de Desarrollo para los países que conforman el SELA. Estudio sobre Propiedad Intelectual en América Latina y el Caribe, su impacto en la transformación productiva y efecto de las iniciativas de cooperación. Análisis por país, región y acuerdos de integración.
2007 - 2012
Venezuelan Chamber of Social Benefits. Analysis of the impact, strengths and weaknesses of the meal voucher mechanism in Venezuela, the effect of legal transformations and their macroeconomic impact.
2006 - 2007
Inter-American Development Bank. Application of economic experiments to evaluate the building of trust and social capital, as a mechanism to reduce exclusion barriers.
Latin American and the Caribbean Economic System. Evaluation and analysis of financial flows to and from Latin America and the Caribbean and the behavior of external debt in the region.
Central Bank of Venezuela. Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of central bank independence and its applicability to the Venezuelan case. This analysis was an input for the reform of the Central Bank Law in 2001.

PhD. Sary Levy-Carciente

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